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Windmills and wisdom

In my never ending quest for cheer and spreading it faster than the Corona virus I am practically on a first name basis with my local Dollarama store! In days with limited options for combatting the funk the world is in... that place is idea central. Endless cheer loiters in these aisles.

A couple weeks ago I decorated the windows outside Annie's apartment. I was overjoyed to hear that the staff had wheeled residents to the windows to see the surprise! My goal was just to remind everyone who comes and goes over that little bridge to smile. I was amazed at the response and excitement from the staff and residents. I am very grateful to Luther Court for the amazing heart they have for all the residents, not just my special VIP resident Annie. Dollarama florist saves the day!

Remember smiling? Remember eye contact?? Seems as the weeks roll by it feels like people are talking social distancing measures to include a friendly smile or even eye contact. Not me! Ive been smiling and greeting people like its my first day on planet earth. Smiling with reckless abandon!

With so many changes to my everyday routine now one large adjustment has been not being able to see Annie in person. Of all the changes, and frustrations this one is my least favourite. Annie is my person, so I will stop at nothing to be there for her, that is a promise worth its weight in gold because she has always been there for me!

So, we have adapted to what I call a live "FaceTime" where myself and or the kids come to the bridge and call. Yes, we can FaceTime but the live show gives that human connection in a special way. We holler back and forth on phone and stay connected this way. There have been meal drops, surprise bags and whatever I can think of to pass the time. When I am feeling exhausted from these days I go to the bridge because I know a smile awaits. It is the best smile around! Nothing shifts life perspective for me than chatting with Annie. Each time we arrive, there is an excited smile as she gets out of her chair to sit on her walker and chat through the window. Do you see that smile! This is why I do what I do.

So, because we are banished like everyone to the outside of these walls I have made it my mission to cheer from here! Yesterday afternoon I got busy on the next surprise for Annie, the residents and staff. As usual, the plan was no plan so I arrived at Dollarama waiting for my divine inspiration for this cheer project. Suddenly! the idea came. In no time at all I cleared them out of windmills and the like! Then I spent the afternoon assembling each one and chatting with a resident or two about what I was doing. I love chats with the generation that has seen it all! Their resiliency is incredible and they endured so much with much less whining!

As I put them together I chatted and listened to their stories and their curiosity for my purpose for doing this. My purpose? ... I laughed... was very simple. Why am I doing this? No good reason other than JUST BECAUSE! Because I have a heart for people and I work very hard to try to put into practice what I share with others. Knowing that someone can come sit in the courtyard and enjoy watching the windmills is enough reason for me. Encouragement comes in all forms and yesterday it embodied windmills.

Encouragement for all of us.

I chose the windmills initially because they were colourful for outside but while I was there assembling I realized the significance of the meaning of what I chose. I LOVE a good lesson from the universe. I am always all ears awaiting the next mind blowing epiphany!

Windmills are fun! They spin with the wind, but never against. They bob and bend to match what the wind wants to do. I realized that this was a perfect way to put a reminder out for everyone that the winds will change and the breeze will come back soon. It is safe to say that the wind will change its mind, keeping us on our toes but that is the way it should be. We should be living with a greater ability to shift with the changing winds of life. These days remind all of us to cling tightly to what matters most and let go of what doesn't serve our purpose into the wind. In the mean time while we all wait out better days the courtyard has a colourful distraction while we all wait for the cool breeze of better days.

One day at a time :)



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