Today is another milestone moment❣️
Our sweet and very special Annie turns 99! A day that I am sure neither of us expected would arrive back in 1983 when we first met!

Please join me in sharing the love and spreading the cheer for this special lady who has lived her life in service to others.
Her kindness, her love helped shape who I am. She wove her love into me in countless ways. Her smile and endless love shone big and bright on her special day. This is what a lot of love looks like And prayers looks like!

She has a kindness and way that the world could learn a lot from. This week she provided her seniors group with a devotional. If you need encouragement take it from me... Annie knows best!

“I am resting tonight in this wonderful peace
Resting sweetly in Jesus’ control
For I am kept from all danger by night and by day And His glory is flooding my soul”.

Happy 99th birthday to my best friend, my cheer captain and all around exceptional soul ...
Annie ❤️
