Today’s take FIVE... these FIVE
This bunch of not so tiny humans and I have been through a lot in decade. We have come a long way from the early days! But what hasn’t changed is how much I love and adore these kids. Which they may argue of course can’t be true based on the chores and tough love I also dole out but it’s true. I do.
I’m am strong, not rough and tough. I can hide a 17 metric tones of pain behind a smile. I have learned to be brave when I feel weak and helpless, I can be stubborn, determined and bossy! I have to be, I am leading this pack. I can be low on patience for all things chaotic and illogical but I give endlessly of my time and do whatever it takes for these five.
Many moments were filled with the things I dislike the most but that’s what you do when you love people more. You dig in and get it done.
So, you see with me you have to take the good with bad... I’m a package deal. Just like them! They all have their quirks that grate my nerves like finger in cheese grater. However, There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for these guys include waging a battle for their rights even when they had no idea we are in a battle at all.
This is Not just a political battle with the machine.
This is A fight for life. A fight for what is right. A fight for a justice. A fight to see tomorrow. A fight for FIVE. A fight for family. A fight to show them they can succeed. And a fight to live a brighter future.
When I entered this battle for these people I love I was all in. Day one and today, I will always crusade for them. I will work harder. Dig deeper and fight harder. For them, no matter what.
I will not back down and I will not give up on them, this journey or sharing this story.
They are why I am here. They are what gets me out of bed when I don’t think I can. They drive me crazy. They make me question my sanity but we laugh. We have fun even covered in dirt on a jobsite. We laugh. We joke. A lot.
I accepted the loss along with gifts. These FIVE are full of gifts. They are amazing young people, they make me proud of the adults they are growing into. If these FIVE cross into adulthood kind, caring and hard working people then I can hang my hat to a long hard job well done.
My grandparents would always say... “If a job’s worth doing its worth doing well!”... this was said to me more times than I can count when I was growing up. It stuck.
But was worth it? Yes. Yes, they are so worth it.
#fortheloveof_five #family #love #rithetsbog #future #inspire#globeandmail John Horgan…/article-marina-miller-ha…/
👇🏼Photo credit to the talented Chad Hipolito
