Story time! Last week while visiting Annie something popped into her memory! A ring!! A very special ring...
Annie has seen a lot in 99 years! Somewhere in the mid 1940s She was surviving and climbing out a post war world with the rest of the world.

Her quiet hardworking spirit kept her focused at her job but she had a humble wish... a dream to own something very special. Something she never owned before. A ring.
For a long time she scrimped and saved and one day she proudly bought this ring. It was as she put it “my most prized possession ... I truly never thought I’d ever be able to own something so expensive”.
She cherished that ring! I remember marveling over it as a kid in her jewelry box and listening to tale of loosing that pearl! One occasion, I forget which year she gave me this ring. This woman entrusted me with something very special to her. It represented a huge milestone victory in her life.

For probably 20 years I’ve kept it safe.
As soon as she remembered it I got to work with the help of my friends @francisjewellers we sized it and today her ring came back to her.
To see her joy, the smile and hear that giggle as she winced forcing it over that arthritic knuckle. “What’s a little pain?”

Exactly Annie ... what’s a little pain when you have a dream. It’s part of the process. No pain no gain right! I was so happy to see her light up today with pride and to remind her of HER strength, and that her dream still sitting on her finger.
Dreams don’t expire... this is just a sweet moment to be reminded just how true that is.💗

#99yearsold #love #vintage #family #inspire #dream #fortheloveof_five #dreambig
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