In 2019 I took a big step, I did the one thing that is actually hardest for me. I bravely stepped up to the world microphone.. and nervously tapped the mic. Hello? Is anyone here? ... Why would anyone want to listen to what I have to say? Oh, what will people say? The eye rolls and naysayers are always quick to point out your faults... Was I ready to take it ? I'm not professionally trained... I am master of the school of hard lessons. Seeing as there is no University offering a degree for my crazy particular line of work I had to rely my self taught 36 yr in the making "Phd" in calm-ish crisis management with a BA in succeeding against the odds, upheavals and staying a float with life in the deep end!

So, as the new year started for me it was a new chapter. The chapter where I leaned into my fear of being public, writing and sharing what I have learned along the way in the hope that it will encourage others in their own journey. I had no exact plan, no special training... like everything ... I just began.
I kept one small thought in the forefront of my mind as I began my Facebook page ... BE BRAVE, BE BOLD, BE YOU. Much to my surprise the universe responded loudly... with over 20,000 people making their way to the page. I am continually amazed and humbled to have this platform. From those beginning days to here, this website. All of this is a reflection of my dreams. My dream to make all this struggle and uphill climb count in a big way. I have big goals and I hope to inspire people to face their own adversity with a smile and battle cry! If I can find a can you! Adversity does not get to win in my world!
So, I have dedicated the last 8 months to use what I have learned and spread as much love and positivity out into the world as I can. For me, that means everyday I make it my business to leave things better that I find them, people happier and someone smiling for no good reason. I practice what I preach because it has been my saving grace for a decade.
Particularly on the days I feel emotionally drained. I need a shot of cheer!
Now more than ever people are starving for hope, love and security in these uncertain times and so I began what I now call my #cheerfulchallenge2020. Everyday I do one. Each day I have a new "victim" and who it may be is up to the universe. It could be a friend, a stranger, law enforcement, a client, who knows... its open season in the cheer department and we've all got the time! Being cheerful is not closed. You can be cheerful and positive in isolation, on Thursday or for no good reason too! Each day I just sit back and wait for the universe to pick the person and I get to work. This is how the cheer challenge was hatched... from a decade wandering the desert of desertion.
There is so much joy in giving and there is ocean of it to be had. All you have to do is dip your toe in the water and try. I challenge each of you to a 7 day #cheerfulchallenge2020. Each day find one way to brighten someone else's day. Big or small, whatever you can muster. Share your cheer with me #cheerfulchallenge2020! What you will find in doing this daily is how much it will help soothe your own worries and discouraged spirit. I will work everyday until I can make spreading cheer my full time job! That is my dream guys!
One day at a time! Remember what matters most!