Life as we all know is at times... categorically unfair, unkind, unrelenting and that becomes painfully obvious when It feels like life and this world is falling apart. When it seems humanity has become numb to compassion and doing what’s right. Falling apart has no timeline. I am all to familiar with wrestling with the idea that falling apart can literally happen for decades.
What I’ve learned in recent months is how vital each step is. Even the most horrific, traumatic and vile things that happen to us, happen for a reason.
I have spent a long time wondering why? 36 years to be precise... About everything up to and including why I’m even here on this earth and how much different life would be if I never arrived. I’m Sure I was born asking it!! I know people around me have thought it.
I have often wondered why my life took the path it has since day one. Nothing about my life was/is or likely will ever be “normal” ... whatever that means anway.
So, I prefer to see it as “a-typical”. I’ve made my peace with likely never fitting in anywhere.. entirely.
But that’s the point! Some of us are here to not fit in!! Thank goodness! Because if we all did there’d be nobody left to shake the trees, ask the hard questions, ruffle feathers and defy the odds so that hopefully at the very least to inspire and encourage at least one more person not to quit but whisper back to fate loudly... that it should be more afraid of us, than we of it.
Let that sink in. Let that rewire your internal monologue. That’s the most powerful conversation you have... the one with yourself. About your life.
You are in charge. Not fate. Not your circumstances. Not your background. Not one single thing fate hurdles you are you being given because you can’t actually handle it. Facts. You’re still standing aren’t you?
We don’t know our fate or destiny... but we can always choose that no matter what fate throws, no matter the roadblocks, setbacks, restarts and upheavals who fate should realize will always win is the warrior who whispers back. Not fate.
Some of us are not here to be liked, or loved in the easy and convenient fairy tale idea of what love should be. But we all have a very specific job... so whatever fate life has dealt you... whisper back and step forward.
-Marina 💗💗💗💗💗