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A New Year: Shifting Where it Counts

Well we made it! 2020 has arrived and like all the New Years prior we’ve experienced it’s all unknown! It’s new, fresh and a clean page to begin write your newest chapter in your story.

I was never one to make bold declarations or resolutions. I tend to make them silently. Some years I was excited for the new year and many of them I rolled my eyes pulled the blankets over my head and slept through the whole event.

New year ... New start. Sounds nice doesn’t it?

What happens though when you went to bed last night vs today. What changed? Physically Nothing really. But hopefully something shifted where it counts: Your mind.


The change. The fresh start is on us to make and step into. It’s on us to bring our best self into 2020. For many years I hid myself from the world, from you, from my friends. I didn’t have the strength to bring my best self out to meet the new year, I was tired and heartbroken. I kept her under lock in key buried in grief, in sadness, shame and pain.

For years I DID want to have the fresh new year feel... I just didn’t know how to change/fix things. I thought things needed to change in order to feel it. WRONG. Over the years I learned that I’m actually not supposed to know how to fix most of this or change the course of my path. Despite my insatiable itch to want to fix everything! Most of it is out of my hands. I’m supposed to be here. I am just to accept what is and lean into what is happening and bravely stare at the face of the dragon and show the world who I am and what I do stand for.

By doing this ... I step into 2020 with a blank page to write a new chapter on a story that is far from over. My journey with the FIVE doesn’t need to be over to give me a blank page to begin again. To try one more time. My problems haven’t changed, nor my life. However, over the years... what changed. Was me.


My hardwork. My perseverance. My fight. My wish to one day feel happiness in excess vs sadness. By sharing my story, by opening the door into my journey, my fight for justice and my fight for the FIVE... you and the rest of the world are finally seeing what magic and passion lies within me. You are seeing me! I believe it is a vital part of living. Being seen. Being heard. Being loved and accepting love in all its forms. The rest of life is circumstance.

That is all the matters for the new year. Don’t promise yourself anything more than just inviting yourself to meet the world. Embrace who you are. Your past. Your story. Your journey does not define you, your story isn’t over. Your journey is shaping you into the unique piece of destiny that you are here to fulfill.

Resistance is futile. Forget what the past has done, free your mind from worry for what is to come. Set your sights on embracing your truest self and sharing the light that lives in you with the rest of the world in 2020.

When you step boldly into world and share who you are miracles do HAPPEN! Make 2020 the year of miracles and sharing the light that lives in each of us for greater good.

-Marina 💗💗💗💗💗


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