Apr 9, 20203 min readWindmills and wisdomIn my never ending quest for cheer and spreading it faster than the Corona virus I am practically on a first name basis with my local...
Apr 3, 20203 min readChallenge... accepted.In 2019 I took a big step, I did the one thing that is actually hardest for me. I bravely stepped up to the world microphone.. and...
Mar 29, 20201 min readThe evolution of the egg hunt !Today’s take five.... spreading cheer! Amidst the craziness of these days “we” or rather I decided we would get busy doing something that...
Mar 29, 20201 min readWhen in doubt... look for the lightToday’s take FIVE... the view Today one of the boys took a hike near our place early this morning. The boys hiked to this clearing and as...
Mar 29, 20202 min readPositivity... it is CONTAGIOUS!Today’s take FIVE... Keeping the distance! As a child my Grandpa would say goodbye to me most school days with ... “Don’t forget !”...
Mar 29, 20202 min readThis girl is going... all the places!Today’s take FIVE... women Today is International Woman’s Day! This week was the last market day that our family will participate in....
Feb 27, 20202 min readUS as we areTrying to get all of us to be serious for the camera was a challenge! And for that I am happy.
Jan 31, 20202 min readFate...Life as we all know is at times... categorically unfair, unkind, unrelenting and that becomes painfully obvious when It feels like life...
Jan 11, 20202 min readIt just takes one!It just takes one person to make a difference in the life of someone else. Doesn’t sound like much but it’s everything when you are a...